supermassive black hole

  • 网络超大质量黑洞;超级黑洞;超重黑洞
supermassive black holesupermassive black hole
  1. " It 's the most accurate mass estimate ever obtained " for a supermassive black hole , says Gebhardt .


  2. The effect is so minuscule , however , that it can 't be seen with current technology on a single image of jets from a supermassive black hole .


  3. At the core lies a supermassive black hole .


  4. Normally , each galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its centre .


  5. Finally , we studied the possible correlations of infrared luminosity and the mass of central supermassive black hole .


  6. A supermassive black hole blasting is destroying everything in its path with a deadly beam of energy .


  7. Inside most galaxies a supermassive black hole lurks .


  8. Does our galaxy have a central supermassive black hole , and are we in danger of falling in ?


  9. Previously , only the supermassive black hole there was thought to be able to produce these " hypervelocity " stars .


  10. VLBI observations of SGR a ~ : a supermassive black hole candidate at the Galactic Centre


  11. To the telescopes of the day , a tight knot of young stars and supernova debris would look just like a supermassive black hole .


  12. Following its halo of illuminated cosmic matter , this neighbouring galaxy draws the eye inward toward a supermassive black hole lurking within .


  13. If our galaxy harbored a supermassive black hole , it was quiet , lacking the belches of energy seen from others .


  14. The sun , located roughly 26000 light years from the supermassive black hole residing at the center of the galaxy , formed about 4.5 billion years ago .


  15. For this rapid variability phenomenon , there is not any suitable theoretical explanation , however this also reflect the structure of emission region and a supermassive black hole in its center .


  16. A huge " belch " of radiation from a supermassive black hole indicates that the cosmic monster recently devoured a star , scientists say .


  17. If an author 's biography always casts some shadow on the work , here , the author is comparatively a total solar eclipse coupled with a supermassive black hole .


  18. Every galaxy of note seems to have a supermassive black hole , weighing millions or billions of times as much as the sun , burping sparks of half-eaten stars and gas .


  19. Not even NASA knows for sure where the bubbles came from , but they could be leftover emissions from the supermassive black hole in our galactic core , because gamma radiation is only produced by incredibly energetic events .


  20. " If two galaxies collide and each possesses a supermassive black hole , there should be times when both black holes switch on as AGN ," said coauthor Richard Mushotzky , professor of astronomy at UMCP .
